Group Instruction and Workshops
Patty Tucker leads classes in the Atlanta area for formed groups and in open enrollment settings. Contact us if you want more information on our current classes or are interested in starting a new group.
- Splinters
- Help Suit Game Try
- Weak Two Bids and Pre-empts
- Smolen
- Four Suit Transfers
- Drury
- Bergen
- Texas Transfers
- Cuebidding in Competitive Auctions
- Defensive Carding
- Jacoby 2NT
- Key-Card Blackwood
- Two-way Checkback
- Fourth Suit Forcing
- Forcing NT
- Serious 3NT
- Take-out Double Family
- Support Doubles
- Maximal Doubles
- Michaels and Unusual 2NT
- Unusual vs Unusual
- Five Level Decisions
- Squeezes I
- Endplays
- Competitive Bidding
- Good/Bad 2NT
- Strong 2 Clubs Bid and 2 Diamonds Waiting
- Reverses, Jump Shifts and 2N Rebids
- Opening Leads
- Lebensohl
- Defense vs No Trump
- Sandwich NT
- Inverted Minors
- 2nd Hand Play
- 3rd Hand Play
- Opening and Responding to No Trump